The Art of Crisis Management - Opal Tower and more...

The Art of Crisis Management - Opal Tower and more...

In this wide-ranging conversation, specialist strata lawyer Amanda Farmer talks to Daniel Holt - strata lawyer turned Strata Manager - about how to stay calm in a crisis. And he would know: Daniel was the manager who received the phone call on Christmas Eve 2018, informing him that Opal Tower needed to be evacuated. Whilst this is centred around the NSW Strata legislation, it’s mostly all relevant to similar situations that could occur in any State.

Amanda and Daniel also discuss the following matters:

  • how to know when it's time to refer a difficult issue to outside experts

  • whether strata managers should receive the same professional recognition as strata lawyers

  • how our legislation is failing us when it comes to crisis situations.

And listen out for Amanda’s wrap up at the end of the interview.


The Art of Crisis Management

Here is the link to the Podcast interview:

Amanda Farmer talks with Daniel Holt

Amanda is a Sydney-based strata law expert and in addition to her legal practice, maintains her website


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